Thursday, November 2, 2017

What Does a Godly Girl Look Like?

Hello friends! I just found a draft of a blog post I never posted. Here it is:

So I recently found one of my old journals. From 2013. As I was going through it, I found many delightful nuggets of wisdom hidden throughout the pages. I used that journal for church notes, morning devotionals, recipes, thoughts, anything! I found a couple of pages that I had written when I was 14 years old. I was making a list describing a Godly girl. I read it almost 3 years later, and was surprised to see some of the things I had written. I also took it as a chance to ask God to search my life and ask myself whether I've grown (as a woman of God) over the past 3 years.
I'd encourage you to do the same!

Here's the 4-page-list I wrote:

a Godly girl...
  •  is a woman of prayer -Esther 4:15-16; Luke 2:36-38; Acts 16:13-14
  • carries herself with dignity -Proverbs 31:25
  • is discreet -Titus 2:5
  • chaste (pure) -Titus 2:5
  • helps out at home with anything she can -Ecclesiastes 9:10
  • loves her siblings -1 John 4:20
  • only has to be told once (obedient) -Ephesians 6:1
  • has a servant's heart -Matthew 20:28
  • doesn't jest -Ephesians 5:4
  • strong in God's Word -Ephesians 6:17
  • asks her parents for their guidance/wisdom -Proverbs 1:8-9
  • doesn't gossip/slander -Proverbs 20:19
  • says only words of kindness & wisdom -Proverbs 31:26
  • is grateful for what she has 
  • kind/tenderhearted to EVERYONE -Ephesians 4:32
  • is humble and thinks of others better than herself -Philippians 2:3
  • forgives easily/quickly/genuinely
  • isn't envious of what other people have 
  • counts her blessings instead of complaining about what she DOESN"T have
  • doesn't take part in rumors
  • trusts in God wholeheartedly Prov. 3:5
  • doesn't waste time
  • always busy with the things of God (things that will be of benefit not only to her, but to others)
  • Humble James 4:10
  • is wise about her entertainment choices
  • uses social media wisely & for the honor and glory of God
  • understands/accepts the will of God Prov. 3:6
  • filled with the Spirit
  • joyful in EVERY circumstance
  • doesn't do things grudgingly & complaining or murmuring Phil. 2:14
  • dresses modestly
  • does her absolute best in everything and leaves the results up to God
  • is like a rare & precious ruby among young women Prov. 31:10
  • inspires others
  • fears the Lord 
  • realizes that her inward appearance is more important than her outward appearance (hair, makeup, outfit, shoes, etc.) 1 Peter 3:3-5
  • isn't always trying to buy new things: is content with what she has Phil. 4:11
  • deals wisely with her finances (saves more than she spends, gives her offering & tithes, only buys things that are absolutely NECESSARY)
  • honest, but not rude, tactful
  • respectful
  • not slothful/lazy 
  • does not procastinate (I need to work on this one! *Hahaha oh my word! It took me 2 years to actually post this blog article. I DEFINITELY need to work on this one!!!!* Pray for me girls. 
  • willingly does things for others without expecting anything in return
  • shares her God with those around her
  • does NOT follow her heart because she realizes it is deceitfully wicked
  • encourages others -Ephesians 4:29
  • asks for prayers humbly
  • worships God freely
  • she has no evil intentions
  • doesn't speak of others in a way that will bring them down James 4:11
  • realizes she can do NOTHING without God's help 
  • gives God ALL the glory [100%]
  • rises early to get a head-start on her day
  • considers others better than herself with sincerity
  • not afraid of failure -Phil 3:14
  • fasts with right attitude
  • prays for others 
  • puts others' needs before her own Phil. 2:4
  • content when her parents' answer is "no" 
  • doesn't give attitude/does not answer back rudely to anyone
  • diligent
  • sets right priorities
  • organized
  •  patient
  • doesn't always state what she thinks or what her opinion is
  • talks more than she listens
  • listens more than she talks James 1:19
  • uses all her talents for God
  • chooses God-fearing friends wisely, asks them to keep her accountable
  • Mentors those younger than her (Titus 2: 3-5)
  • grows daily and allows the Lord to mold and shape her character
  • Asks Him for strength! 
So I know that's a lot to take in. WOAH. I still have a hard time believing that 14-year old me wrote that list. This is by no means meant to be an exhaustive set of rules. It's just observations I made about the godly women around me at the time. It's been almost 5 years since I wrote that, and trust me when I say this... I by no means claim to have it all together. Oh how I wish I did! But that kind of perfection won't be achieved on this side of heaven. :) Serve God out of love and gratitude, with all your heart, and allow Him to transform your life. Remember! It's all about the grace-full process, day by day! Let's keep sowing to the Spirit! Galatians 6:7-9 Love you all,

Why We're Never Satisfied (apart from Christ!):

Contentment. This word can cause a variety of different responses in just one group of people. It's something that has been on my heart and mind a lot lately. 

Isn't it so easy to place our happiness on things, people and events? Isn't it so easy to tell ourselves, maybe even without realizing it, that we'll be happy just as soon as we have something or have someone? 
We think it's easier to be joyful when we have what we want and our circumstances are good. 
"I'll be happy once this season passes." Once this trial is over. 
Once I have this job. Once I graduate. Once I get a relationship. Until I'm married. Not until I have kids will I be truly happy. Once I make more money. Once I buy this or that. Once my home looks better. Once it gets warmer. Once it gets more fresh. ENOUGH! Sorry, didn't mean to yell at you in caps lock or seem aggressive, but c'mon. It's like trying to chase the wind. 

All those things are good gifts, but they are not meant to completely satisfy our souls. It's like we all have this God-sized hole that only He can fill. Trying to satisfy ourselves with "whatever's next" is an endless pursuit. It's like trying to fill an ocean with drops of water. When what we really need is for God to flood us with His being and fill us till we overflow. The things of this world will always leave us hungry if we are not satisfied in Christ. 

I once read a quote that said...
As a rule, man's a fool
When it's hot, he want it cool
When it's cool, he wants it hot
Always wanting what it's not

It was spring, but it was summer I wanted,
The warm days, and the great outdoors.
It was summer, but it was fall I wanted,
The colorful leaves, and the cool, dry air.
It was fall, but it was winter I wanted,
The beautiful snow, and the joy of the holiday season.
It was winter, but it was spring I wanted,
The warmth and the blossoming of nature.
I was a child, but it was adulthood I wanted,
The freedom and respect.
I was 20, but it was 30 I wanted,
To be mature, and sophisticated.
I was middle-aged, but it was 20 I wanted,
The youth and the free spirit.
I was retired, but it was middle-age I wanted,
The presence of mind without limitations.
My life was over, and I never got what I wanted.

What if...WHAT IF we were satisfied with where God has us at this PRESENT moment? What if we were satisfied with the way He made us and with the things He has given us? I just know His peace would flow so freely in a heart that is not full of discontentment. 

Hebrews 13:5

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

I interviewed one of my friends about contentment in singleness. Her answers were of encouragement to me and I know they'll be to you as well. 
*this is not the exact conversation word for word, it's just a summary. 

Me: "What would you say has helped you be content in this time of singleness?"

Her: Definitely busying myself in serving God. But also... you know, we all want to have a companion, have a family of our own and have a home of our own. But something I asked myself recently is "what if there is no other season?" Would I be content serving God as a single? I don't want to see this as a "season" to just get over with and move on...

Philippians 4:11
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.

May our Lord Jesus help us to be truly content. Delight in Him, let Him be your sole heart's satisfaction. ❤️ 

PS. If you'd like to start being more content, but don't know where to begin...let me tell you the secret...start by counting your blessings. Be grateful for what you have and thank  God for all He has done, what He's doing, and what's He will do!

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 

Learning to be content, 
