So I recently found one of my old journals. From 2013. As I was going through it, I found many delightful nuggets of wisdom hidden throughout the pages. I used that journal for church notes, morning devotionals, recipes, thoughts, anything! I found a couple of pages that I had written when I was 14 years old. I was making a list describing a Godly girl. I read it almost 3 years later, and was surprised to see some of the things I had written. I also took it as a chance to ask God to search my life and ask myself whether I've grown (as a woman of God) over the past 3 years.
I'd encourage you to do the same!
Here's the 4-page-list I wrote:
a Godly girl...
- is a woman of prayer -Esther 4:15-16; Luke 2:36-38; Acts 16:13-14
- carries herself with dignity -Proverbs 31:25
- is discreet -Titus 2:5
- chaste (pure) -Titus 2:5
- helps out at home with anything she can -Ecclesiastes 9:10
- loves her siblings -1 John 4:20
- only has to be told once (obedient) -Ephesians 6:1
- has a servant's heart -Matthew 20:28
- doesn't jest -Ephesians 5:4
- strong in God's Word -Ephesians 6:17
- asks her parents for their guidance/wisdom -Proverbs 1:8-9
- doesn't gossip/slander -Proverbs 20:19
- says only words of kindness & wisdom -Proverbs 31:26
- is grateful for what she has
- kind/tenderhearted to EVERYONE -Ephesians 4:32
- is humble and thinks of others better than herself -Philippians 2:3
- forgives easily/quickly/genuinely
- isn't envious of what other people have
- counts her blessings instead of complaining about what she DOESN"T have
- doesn't take part in rumors
- trusts in God wholeheartedly Prov. 3:5
- doesn't waste time
- always busy with the things of God (things that will be of benefit not only to her, but to others)
- Humble James 4:10
- is wise about her entertainment choices
- uses social media wisely & for the honor and glory of God
- understands/accepts the will of God Prov. 3:6
- filled with the Spirit
- joyful in EVERY circumstance
- doesn't do things grudgingly & complaining or murmuring Phil. 2:14
- dresses modestly
- does her absolute best in everything and leaves the results up to God
- is like a rare & precious ruby among young women Prov. 31:10
- inspires others
- fears the Lord
- realizes that her inward appearance is more important than her outward appearance (hair, makeup, outfit, shoes, etc.) 1 Peter 3:3-5
- isn't always trying to buy new things: is content with what she has Phil. 4:11
- deals wisely with her finances (saves more than she spends, gives her offering & tithes, only buys things that are absolutely NECESSARY)
- honest, but not rude, tactful
- respectful
- not slothful/lazy
- does not procastinate (I need to work on this one! *Hahaha oh my word! It took me 2 years to actually post this blog article. I DEFINITELY need to work on this one!!!!* Pray for me girls.
- willingly does things for others without expecting anything in return
- shares her God with those around her
- does NOT follow her heart because she realizes it is deceitfully wicked
- encourages others -Ephesians 4:29
- asks for prayers humbly
- worships God freely
- she has no evil intentions
- doesn't speak of others in a way that will bring them down James 4:11
- realizes she can do NOTHING without God's help
- gives God ALL the glory [100%]
- rises early to get a head-start on her day
- considers others better than herself with sincerity
- not afraid of failure -Phil 3:14
- fasts with right attitude
- prays for others
- puts others' needs before her own Phil. 2:4
- content when her parents' answer is "no"
- doesn't give attitude/does not answer back rudely to anyone
- diligent
- sets right priorities
- organized
- patient
- doesn't always state what she thinks or what her opinion is
talks more than she listens- listens more than she talks James 1:19
- uses all her talents for God
- chooses God-fearing friends wisely, asks them to keep her accountable
- Mentors those younger than her (Titus 2: 3-5)
- grows daily and allows the Lord to mold and shape her character
- Asks Him for strength!