Sunday, September 22, 2013

wise words concerning modesty:

"Modesty is not first an issue of what we wear. It's essentially an issue of the heart."

Ask yourself: 
"Am I helping or hindering men who desire to be morally pure?"
"How can my dress and appearance bring glory and help my brothers stand?"

Our culture shouts,
 "Be cool"
 "You only go around once."
"Go for the gusto"
But the Lord whispers,
"You only have one life; live it for My glory."

What would it mean for you to dress for the glory of God? 
Would you need to make any changes in your wardrobe?

Before we point our fingers and criticize and judge in our hearts, let's say, "What can I do to encourage this woman in her walk with God?"
Remember: modesty starts in the heart. It's a heart issue before it's a clothing issue.

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